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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Alejandro Nettle” ,找到相关结果约10228条。
Cabrera,Eduardo; González,José; Montenegro,Eduardo; Nettle,Alejandro;
Estudios pedagógicos (Valdivia) , 2010, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-07052010000200003
Abstract: worried about the quality of education and within the framework of the theory of didactical situations in mathematics (brousseau, 1998), and particularly in the anthropological approach proposed by yves chevallard (1991), this paper presents a tool that, in its first place, aims at optimizing the process of didactic transpositions, through the definition of a distance between the knowing how to teach and the knowledge learned (mabille & albert, 1994), by proposing the knowledge to be a multidimensional being and each one of these dimensions to be independent from each other. on the other hand, the definition of distance is structured according to a stochastic conception, using the logistic function to model the probability of emitting a correct answer to stimulus acting on the knowledge learned.
Eduardo Montenegro,Eduardo Cabrera,José González,Alejandro Nettle
Proyecciones (Antofagasta) , 2010,
Abstract: The graph to considered will be in general simple and finite, graphs with a nonempty set of edges. For a graph G, V(G) denote the set of vertices and E(G) denote the set of edges. Now, let Pr = (0, 0, 0, r) ? R4, r ? R+ . The r-polar sphere, denoted by S Pr , is defined by {x ? R4/ ||x|| = 1 ? x ? Pr }: The primary target of this work is to present the concept of r-Polar Spherical Realization of a graph. That idea is the following one: If G is a graph and h : V (G) ? S Pr is a injective function, them the r-Polar Spherical Realization of G, denoted by G*, it is a pair (V (G*), E(G*)) so that V (G*) = {h(v)/v ? V (G)} and E(G*) = {arc(h(u)h(v))/uv ? E(G)}, in where arc(h(u)h(v)) it is the arc of curve contained in the intersection of the plane defined by the points h(u), h(v), Pr and the r-polar sphere.
UNA DIDACTICA DEL SABER: UN CAMINO HACIA LA OPTIMIZACION DE LAS TRANSPOSICIONES DIDACTICAS Uma didática do saber: um caminho à optimiza o das transposi es didáticas Didactics on Knowledge: a Road to the Optimization of Didactic Transpositions
Eduardo Cabrera,José González,Eduardo Montenegro,Alejandro Nettle
Estudios Pedagógicos (Valdivia) , 2010,
Abstract: Preocupados por la educación de calidad, y dentro del marco de la Teoría de las Situaciones Didácticas (Brousseau, 2004), y particularmente en la aproximación antropológica propuesta por Yves Chevallard (1991)1, en este trabajo se presenta una herramienta que, en esta primera etapa, aspira a optimizar el proceso de transposición didáctica, a través de la definición de una distancia entre el saber a ense ar y el saber aprendido (Mabille & Albert, 1994)2, postulando el saber como un ente multidimensional y cada una de estas dimensiones independientes entre sí. Por otro lado, la definición de distancia se estructura bajo una concepción estocástica, utilizando la función logística para modelar la probabilidad de emitir una respuesta correcta a un estímulo en función del saber aprendido. Preocupado com a educa o de qualidade, e no ambito da Teoria das Situa es Didáticas (Brousseau, 2004)3, e em particular na abordagem antropológica proposta por Yves Chevallard (1991)4, este trabalho apresenta uma ferramenta que, nessa primeira fase, visa otimizar o processo da transposi o didática, através da defini o de uma distancia entre o saber ensinar e o conhecimento aprendido (Mabille & Albert, 1994)5, postulando o saber como uma entidade multidimensional e cada uma dessas dimens es sendo independentes umas das outras. Por outro lado, a defini o de distancia é estruturada sob uma concep o estocástica, utilizando a fun o logística para modelar a probabilidade de emitir uma resposta correta a um estímulo em termos de conhecimento aprendido. Worried about the quality of education and within the framework of the Theory of Didactical Situations in Mathematics (Brousseau, 1998), and particularly in the anthropological approach proposed by Yves Chevallard (1991), this paper presents a tool that, in its first place, aims at optimizing the process of didactic transpositions, through the definition of a distance between the knowing how to teach and the knowledge learned (Mabille & Albert, 1994), by proposing the knowledge to be a multidimensional being and each one of these dimensions to be independent from each other. On the other hand, the definition of distance is structured according to a stochastic conception, using the logistic function to model the probability of emitting a correct answer to stimulus acting on the knowledge learned.
TEST INFORMATIZADOS Y EL REGISTRO DEL TIEMPO DE RESPUESTA, UNA VIA PARA LA PRECISION EN LA DETERMINACION DEL NIVEL DE LOGRO DE UN SABER MATEMATICO Computerized quiz and the timing of response, a way for the accuracy in determining the achievement of a mathematical knowledge
Eduardo Cabrera,José González,Eduardo Montenegro,Alejandro Nettle
Estudios Pedagógicos (Valdivia) , 2010,
Abstract: Preocupados por la educación de calidad, se presenta un proceso de precisión en la determinación del nivel de competencias matemáticas de los alumnos, por medio de una reparametrización del modelo logístico en función del tiempo de respuesta, parámetro estimado a través de la rendición de test virtuales. Dicho trabajo tiene como base teórica el procesamiento de los saberes según Lab[e]saM complementado por la incorporación de tecnologías. Worried about an education of quality, a process of precision in the determination of the level of mathematical competitions of the students appears, by means of a parameterization of the logistic model based on the response time, parameter estimated through the virtual tests surrender. This work has as theoretic bases the processing of knowledge according to Lab[e]saM complemented by the incorporation of technologies.
Condicionamiento del modelo logístico para la evaluación informatizada de competencias matemáticas
José González,Eduardo Cabrera,Eduardo Montenegro,Alejandro Nettle
Ciencia, Docencia y Tecnología , 2010,
Abstract: Preocupados por el mejoramiento de la calidad educativa en la ense anza de Matemáticas en la universidad, se desarrolló una propuesta de reparametrización del modelo logístico basado en la Teoría de la Respuesta al ítem. Dicho trabajo tiene como base teórica el procesamiento de los saberes matemáticos, incorporando el tiempo de respuesta, parámetro estimado a través de la rendición de test virtuales; constituye un proceso de precisión en la determinación del nivel de competencias matemáticas y fue probado en experiencias de simulación.
Cabrera,Eduardo; González,José; Montenegro,Eduardo; Nettle,Alejandro; Guevara,Miguel;
Estudios pedagógicos (Valdivia) , 2010, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-07052010000100003
Abstract: worried about an education of quality, a process of precision in the determination of the level of mathematical competitions of the students appears, by means of a parameterization of the logistic model based on the response time, parameter estimated through the virtual tests surrender. this work has as theoretic bases the processing of knowledge according to lab[e]sam complemented by the incorporation of technologies.
Condicionamiento del modelo logístico para la evaluación informatizada de competencias matemáticas
González,José; Cabrera,Eduardo; Montenegro,Eduardo; Nettle,Alejandro; Guevara,Miguel;
Ciencia, docencia y tecnolog?-a , 2010,
Abstract: concerned about improving the quality of education in the teaching of mathematics at university level we developed a proposal for parameterization of the logistic model based on the theory of item response. this theoretical work is based on the processing of mathematical knowledge, incorporating the response time, parameter estimated from the rendering of virtual test; it is a process of precision in determining the level of math skills and tested in simulation experiences.
Montenegro,Eduardo; Cabrera,Eduardo; González,José; Nettle,Alejandro; Robres,Ramón;
Proyecciones (Antofagasta) , 2010, DOI: 10.4067/S0716-09172010000100004
Abstract: the graph to considered will be in general simple and finite, graphs with a nonempty set of edges. for a graph g, v(g) denote the set of vertices and e(g) denote the set of edges. now, let pr = (0, 0, 0, r) ? r4, r ? r+ . the r-polar sphere, denoted by spr , is defined by {x ? r4/ ||x|| = 1 ? x ? pr }: the primary target of this work is to present the concept of r-polar spherical realization of a graph. that idea is the following one: if g is a graph and h : v (g) ? spr is a injective function, them the r-polar spherical realization of g, denoted by g*, it is a pair (v (g*), e(g*)) so that v (g*) = {h(v)/v ? v (g)} and e(g*) = {arc(h(u)h(v))/uv ? e(g)}, in where arc(h(u)h(v)) it is the arc of curve contained in the intersection of the plane defined by the points h(u), h(v), pr and the r-polar sphere.
Why Are There Social Gradients in Preventative Health Behavior? A Perspective from Behavioral Ecology
Daniel Nettle
PLOS ONE , 2012, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0013371
Abstract: Within affluent populations, there are marked socioeconomic gradients in health behavior, with people of lower socioeconomic position smoking more, exercising less, having poorer diets, complying less well with therapy, using medical services less, ignoring health and safety advice more, and being less health-conscious overall, than their more affluent peers. Whilst the proximate mechanisms underlying these behavioral differences have been investigated, the ultimate causes have not.
Large Differences in Publicly Visible Health Behaviours across Two Neighbourhoods of the Same City
Daniel Nettle
PLOS ONE , 2012, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0021051
Abstract: There are socioeconomic disparities in the likelihood of adopting unhealthy behaviours, and success at giving them up. This may be in part because people living in deprived areas are exposed to greater rates of unhealthy behaviour amongst those living around them. Conventional self-report surveys do not capture these differences in exposure, and more ethological methods are required in order to do so.

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